5 Tips to Surviving University

When I first moved into student halls two years and a term ago, I thought I was prepared for University. In college, I had always been a straight A student and with my parents working full-time, I had learnt to take care of myself and my two younger siblings. Honestly though, I was not prepared. Since I was no longer living under the influence of my parents, there was no one to tell me to go to bed by a certain time or to force me to eat my vegetables, and both my physical and mental health suffered as a result. I have previously talked about how to maintain your mental health whilst at University, linked here, but have never written a post on how to work to the best of your ability before.

This post is actually a collaboration with Chloe who has also written a post about her top 5 ways to survive University, linked here.

Tip 1: Maximise Your Sleep

Sleep has countless benefits including improved memory and attention, lowered stress levels and helping to maintain a healthy weight. In University, it is common to sleep less than the recommended daily time of 7 hours due to the increased workload and nights out, since the majority of University students are 18 years old or older, which is the legal drinking age in England. Therefore it is important to maximise the sleep that you are getting. One way to do this is to monitor your sleep cycle and set an alarm for when you are in the lightest part of the sleep cycle, ensuring that you wake up feeling refreshed. A paid app that does this is Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock although I am sure that other apps exist.

Tip 2: Make Sure You Are Getting All the Nutrients Your Body Needs

First and second year of University, I would cook whatever I wanted for lunch and dinner without paying attention to what I was eating. It was only when I started looking into the nutritional value of food and adapting my eating habits accordingly that I noticed a huge different in my physical health. The app and website I use to do this is called Cronometer where you enter the food and drink you have consumed that day and it tells you what nutrients you are lacking in your diet. It is not a totally accurate score as it is hard to enter the exact portions you have used but gives an estimate of what type of foods you need to eat more. It also tells you the calories consumed but I tend to ignore this value and just eat when I am hungry and until I am satisfied.

Tip 3: Find the Time of Day You Work Best and Utilise It

Personally, I work best in the evenings – I struggle to concentrate early in the mornings as often I am tired and find that I am too restless in the afternoons. Therefore when I am planning my days, I concentrate most of my plans with friends and family in the mornings and afternoons, leaving my evenings free for work. Where I can, I tend to wake up later so I can go to bed later and allow myself longer to do the work I need to do. Obviously there are some times when I cannot do this such as when I have a morning lecture or if I am going out for dinner and drinks with a friend, but I try to adopt this habit as often as possible.

Tip 4: Find How You Work Best and Utilise It

Different studying habits work for different people. I have a friend who works best in silence alone in their room whilst I have another friend who works best with their motivational playlist on in the library. Personally, I work best with piano music playing, in the library, with a friend beside me. Find how you work best, even if this means trying different ways for a few weeks, and use it.

Tip 5: Take 5 Minutes Each Day for Organisation

Before I go to bed at night, I take 5 minutes to hole-punch my lecture handouts from the day and place them in a folder in the correct module section. Not only does this mean I never lose a lecture handout, it means all my lecture handouts are in the same place and ordered when the time comes to study. I also use my agenda to write a ‘To-Do’ list for the following day along with any events I have including lectures and meetings with friends. This means that I know what I am doing the next day and where I need to be at what time so I do not have to worry in the morning.

Hopefully at least one of these tips has been helpful to you. Comment below your number one tip for surviving University or school in general.

42 thoughts on “5 Tips to Surviving University

  1. Oooh I will definitely try out some of these tips! Uni is such a different experience than school and nothing can really prepare you for it. Personally I found it really challenging to stay organized the first few months because in school you are told what to do in detail – in uni you have to really manage your time. Loved this post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve only been at university a term and am already finding that developing a routine is essential. I feel like I should be one of those people that wakes up and gets to work at 9am, but in reality, like you, I work better in the evenings… I think it’s finally time to give in to my natural habits rather than trying to fit myself into a box of what I think I should be doing!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same! I was so upset over the fact I never got up at 8am to study but the truth is I study best at night whilst everyone else sleeps! Although having full-time lectures doesnt help x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Number four is so important! People learn in different ways and sometimes when you learn a particular way that’s not working on you, we tend to blame it on a lack of intelligence instead of the method.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Amazing post!
    These tips really would help all those struggling to keep up with university pressure.
    This is one post i definitely would tell my friends about!
    Keep up the great work:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think what’s more important than sleep is having a regular sleeping pattern – trying to go to bed and get up at the same time so your body gets used to it rather than changing the times you are sleeping every night. xx


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